
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 18:11:17
they lost their way in the mountain,and ( )made mater worse was that night was coming.A.that B.it C.what D.which 望能详细解释 宏观经济理论在实践中的应用,明天就得派上用场啦!可以是论述,也可以简答. 高三英语名词性从句一道单选题.They lost their way in the forest and _____made matters worse was _____night began to fall. 东隅已逝,桑榆未晚.天涯咫尺,尔尔朝暮. 请问,中教,(父母应如何培养孩子善良的品质?)联盟. 小孩应该培养哪些品质 learing about language etiquette is just as important as learning grammer or vocabulary 是什么意思 Learning about language etiquette is important.Learning grammar or vocabulary is important too.合一句 learning about language etiquette is just as important as learning grammar.为什么第二个learn也要ing是因为as..as的原因?还是跟前面一样 请问learn a language 与 learn about a language 有什么区别?Thank u:D什么叫“了解”?相对于learn来说,是不是“learn about”的程度更浅一些呢? 人教版英语必修三第一单元课learing about language exercise3句子的意思翻译及答案急求 在探究光是否是绿色植物制造食物的必要条件的实验中,变量是什么 Harry Potter1的英文影评 Harry Potter 6 影评(Half Blood Prince) 用英文写出大约100字的评论..用英文写出大约100字的评论..是关於电影的..You can make comment on the story plot,the directing,the acting,the dialogue,the costumes,the audio-visual aspect 在市场经济条件下,政府的作用主要是弥补市场的缺陷,这些作用包括A.反垄断 B.提供公共物品 C.治理环境污染 D.调节收入分配 E.调节社会总供给与总需求,防止经济波动或危机这是2004年专插本 善良是美德阅读答案像往常一样,你放学回家在客厅里写作业,我在厨房做饭.突然,你想起了什么,兴冲冲地闯进来:“妈妈,妈妈,告诉你个好消息.”我停下手中的活抬起头,看见你的眼睛在放光. 试述市场经济条件下我国政府的经济职能. 善良是美德 阅读短文答案①像往常一样,你放学回家在客厅里写作业,我在厨房做饭.突然,你想起了什么,兴冲冲地闯进来:“妈妈,妈妈,告诉你个好消息.”我停下手中的活抬起头,看见你的眼睛 善良是美德还是傻? 传统美德有哪些?如文明、善良 热情,善良是我们的传统美德.还有那些呢 They in this office and they like their 怎么填 It was noon when he came back?是什么从句?是时间状语从句,还是定语从句?请分析一下, The plane was _______ at nine this morning ,but there was heavy rain .A .to take off B .to have taken off C .taken off D .be taken off It was eleven when he came back .请问when 引导什么从句,怎样译?我认为是时间状语从句,译为:他11点回家.我的同事认为when 引导定语从句,先行词为eleven. 强调句中,比如it was 9 when he came back.和it was at nine when he came back.都对吗 我碰大雨 I was caught by the heavy rain 为什么用被动啊,不能用主动的吗 The c______ of the flood was the heavy rain The area was______by a flood following the heavy rain.为什么横线部分只能填struck,而不能用attacked那请问struck在句中可理解为什么意思 如何培养美德 我们应当培养哪些美德? 怎样用learn to ride a bike 造句