
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 22:30:31
you'd better _____ the story in Japanese A say B speak Ctell D talk选哪个? 你最好向那个警察问路.You'd better __ _ _ _ _ thank you for your help.-- ________ whnt more information ,call again tomorrow.a:were you b:had you to c:might you d:should you thank you for your help 回答A I’d love to do that B it is nothing 一个长方体容器中装满水 先放入圆锥体零件拿出后再放入圆柱体零件,已知第二次溢出水是第一次溢出水的20%,已知圆锥半径比圆柱的直径少25%,已知圆柱的高2.7厘米,那么圆锥高是多少厘米?答 《笨拙的忍者》请问这一关的英文任务是什么意思? 笨拙的忍者这个任务怎么过? 笨拙忍者这关怎么过? 《笨拙的忍者》图中的英文任务是什么意思? 小小忍者各属性是什么意思?破防?穿透?韧性?敏捷加什么力量加什么1耐力加多少血解说的真详细敏捷力量耐力呢 Make up sentences after the model.Model:have a million dollars/give it to charity→if i had a million dollars,i would give it to charith.1.be a 20-year-old girl/run for(竞选)the super voice girls→2.find a wallet/open it and have a look→3.lose 将355十进制数分别转换为二进制、八进制、十六进制 豆平糖是什么? 豆平糖在哪儿有卖的豆平糖是日本的一种豆糖!中国哪里有卖的啊?豆平糖不是药啊!豆平糖很好吃的!哪里有卖的啊 such as ____(go)swimminggo swimming ,playing basketball像such as playing basketball那是不是such as go swimming 还是要用going such as swimming的swimming是动词还是名词 关于夏天的英语短文such as swimming,boating,surfing,scuba diving and so on.的意思急 人见人爱A^B改错Problem Description 求A^B的最后三位数表示的整数.说明:A^B的含义是“A的B次方” Input 输入数据包含多个测试实例,每个实例占一行,由两个正整数A和B组成(1 一个ACM的A+B问题因为我是初学者,想试试ACM,但是A+B就wrong answer了Problem DescriptionCalculate A + B .InputEach line will contain two integers A and B .Process to end of file.OutputFor each case,output A + B in one line.Sample Input1 A+B acm出现的问题A+B Problem Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:1024KDescription:Calculate a + bInput:The input will consist of a series of pairs of integers a and b,separated by a space,one pair of integers per line,0 0 means the end of the input,a 计算第一类曲面积分|xyz|dS ,其中积分区域为z=x^2+y^2被平面z=1所截下的部分 高斯函数的方程怎么解如[(5+6X)/8]=(15X-7)/5 说下方法思想谢谢了 高斯函数的表达式谢谢回答 c语言 人见人爱A^B人见人爱A^B Time Limit :2000/1000ms (Java/Other) Memory Limit :65536/32768K (Java/Other)Total Submission(s) :2 Accepted Submission(s) :1Font:Times New Roman | Verdana | Georgia Font Size:← →Problem Description求A^B的 He enjoys p( ) speaking English.快点啊,有很多奖励的! He p______ speaking English every morning . 计算I=∫∫(x+|y|)dS,其中∑是曲面|x|+|y|+|z|=1 将标号为1,2,3,4,5,6,的6个小球放入3个不同的盒子中,每个盒子放2个,其中标号1,2的小球放到同一盒子中,不同的方法有___种 单词中C是可数名词,U,S,P, U表示可数名词还是不可数? 乳汁是怎样产生的 数学题目三角形的全等要使下列各对三角形全等,还需要增加什么条件?(1) ∠A=∠D, ∠B=∠F;(2) ∠A=∠D, AB=DE.