
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:05:12
“铅笔盒里有几支铅笔”用英语怎么说求大神帮助“铅笔盒里有几支铅笔”用英语怎么说? 英语:however与but区别?详细! Is that a pencil?的答语是Yes,it is.还是 Yes,that is. that is缩写是什么?还有Is that your pencil?回答应该是Yes ,it is 还是yes that is? 初一英语选择:A:Is that a pencil?B:______.A.Yes,it is B.es,it's C.Yes,that is D.No,it is初一英语选择:A:Is that a pencil?B:______.A.Yes,it is B.Yes,it's C.Yes,that is D.No,it is That is a pencil case对a pencil case画线提问 Is that () pencil casehim her she's he's 英语作文:你的朋友的英语学习有困难,请给她/他一些学习建议,帮助树立信心.(用should/shouldn't句型)你的朋友的英语学习有困难,请给她/他一些学习建议,帮助树立信心.(用should/shouldn't句型 劝说朋友好好学习的英语作文劝他要以学习为重 与父母和谐相处的英语作文 八十词左右 but 和 however,specially 和 especially 的用法区别 请举例详细说明 however,but的用法以及前后加不加逗号的注意事项 你能像从前一样经常见到你的老朋友吗?Can you meet your old friends ____________? what () you () your friends ()()() 你拿什么招待你的朋友们? 我认为你应该向你的朋友求助 用英语怎样说 I think you ( )( )your friends ( )( ) and ,but ,so ,although ,though ,however 用法的区别,哪些要加逗号的?例句:I drank the beer ______ I didn’t want it.I didn’t want the beer ,______I drank it.I didn’t want the beer.I drank it,______.I didn’t want the beer.______ ,I however和but有什么区别 有没有《god is a girl》的中文翻译 but 和however 有什么区别?如句中:I've come to the conclusion that the people who are trying to save the world are probably quite sincere about it,but they dont't know ...其中but可以换成however 所以因为they前没有逗号所以不 you should borrow money from your friends这句话中的should强调的是borrow,还是from your friends,有以下两种意思:1.你应该从你朋友那里借钱(而不是抢钱).2.你应该从你朋友(而不是你父母)那里借钱.哪 Your should get your friends help you 为什么用help原形不是说没有get sb do sth 么 英语同义句装换you should share your probems with your friendsyou should share your probems with your friendsyou should ()()your friends your probiem 请举例子详细说明however和but的区别 but 和however 的区别 give you some time I hope you give me good answer 一个英文单词,意思大概是太漂亮了 英标大概是 [gɔdʒəs] 请问具体怎么拼写? 有一首英文歌歌词 give some ...give me away give me 曲风欢快 这是什么歌是男声 歌词好像是这样 give me some sunshine give me some rain give me.还有一段Na Na Na Na Na Na. 一首英文歌 高潮歌词should i give up give up give up give up~好像是这样~求告知!give up是重复~不是阿黛尔的~ give me some English songs来点好听点的歌.最好新歌.要么就是那些经典 Can you give me some what?这句英文什么意思? 取个英文名 希望和中文发音HUANG YAN有相似发音补充下 是和YAN的发音相似 与汉语读音相近的英文名,中文读音li ruo yan,不算李这个音也可以 求和中文名 yan hao kuan 发音相近的英文名