
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 19:59:59
We do not understand his English because he p_____ badly.急 The application process is ongoing and the deadline for applications is April 10翻译这句句子 he did not understand English.句中的为什么用did 而不用was? "The process is the punishment."怎么翻译?补充:这可能是一句法谚,拜托各位了! 英语,【He did not understand English!】主语是单数,为什么不用【understands】? adverbial clause求解释!1.Do (B) your teacger told you to.A.like B.as C.that D.for2.No one can be more fit for his office (C).A.as he is B.as he does C.than he is D.than he doesthank you so much!1.Do (B) your teacher told you to.上面的打错了 请问refining of the process ongoing是什么意思? adverbial clauSe什么意思? I do not understand love He was可以缩写吗 which of the following events will cause a surplus of workers?A.a wage above the market-clearing wage B.an increase in the supply of workers C.a decrease in the demand for workers D.more workers wanting to waork at higher wages I do not understand love AEttir ssd4选择题答案: Which of the following lines contains only valid Visual Basic equation operators?-+*/ \ ^ Mod - + * / \ ^ >> (a) I and III only (b) II and III only (c) I and II only (d) I, II, and III 谁帮我解释一下为什么?Correct ans 【He's just had some peas.】的 He's 是什么的缩写啊?急Has he had any beans or peas?(He)He hasn't had any beans.He's just had some peas.【He's just had some peas.】的 He's 是什么的缩写啊?是 He is 还是 He has 的缩写吖? 过去完成时的那个he had ,我能缩写成he 'd吗 Liu Li left for America 2001问号填介词 粲至,年既幼弱,容状小,一坐尽惊 什么意思善属文,举笔便成,无所改定,时人常以为宿构 什么意思 选择填空 ()1. There ( )two foorball matches on our playground next week. A.is goi选择填空()1. There ( )two foorball matches on our playground next week.A.is going to be B. are going to have C.will be()2.What( )did she te There_______(be)two farewell parties next week. 英语翻译请问说“我爱你”用西语怎么说呢? 一个电视剧里曾有一个情节:康熙皇帝曾到明太祖朱元璋墓前祭拜,历史中是否真有此事?如果有,康熙为什么要这样做 She isn’t outgoing.She is afraid of speaking in p_____.(根据句意及首字母提示完成单词) The firm discriminated against him because of his race.为什么discriminate 后面都加个against?1.What happened to you?How were you discriminated against?2.Why do you believe you were discriminated against?3.Who do you believe discriminated again When a man really move feeling,he will not forget love woman!Even if we break up,nor enemy because they loved.Man is to love and sex,because he wanted to have you forever.翻译成中文是什么? Should we are breaking up?翻译下下 but we're really trying not to get our hopes up.get our hopes up是让我们的希望落空的意思吗?get STH up是词组? 为什么有人把朱元璋画的很丑? Brevity is the soul of wit!这句英文中文是什么知道的说下 The Dark Night of the Soul这句怎么翻译?翻译器的不要! I want to live in the depth of your soul 红颜祸水的例子还有红颜不是祸水的例子 come to see [ ] your parents ,please.括号里填介词