
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 00:18:40
there is____but a piese of paper in the box.A something B anything C nothing D someone 将Mr chang asked me,"What do you want to do"改为间接 引语句子 "do you need a pen?"lucy asked如何变为间接引语? "what do you want?"lucy asked同上. i believe you can make it. Can you make it?能把make改成come吗?make也不是来的意思啊,这不是你能制造他吗? Can you make 印象中"make it"是"成功"的意思,但李阳英语却把这句话解释成" ",所以不知哪种才正确. I Believe I Can ,So I Prove It To Make You Trust Me.我英文白痴喔~我只想知道意思~ you can make it!you can make it! Do you want to go to the cinema with me?改为同义句 快,3分之内 There (are、is) a lot of information in this book快 There are a lot of _____in this big shop. Do you want to go the movies with me?为什么want后面加to go there are a lot of pets in my -would you like to go swimming in the river with us? -sorry,I don't want to go.Our teacher often-would you like to go swimming in the river with us?-sorry,I don't want to go.Our teacher often tells us ____(do) that.谢谢 麻烦了! 补全对话:Hobo:Hi,Eddie.Do you want to go s_1_with me?Eddie:Sorry,I’m not f_2_today.Hobo:Well.I want to b_3_a lot of thinge,but I have no m_4_.Eddie:All right,h_5_my purse.Hobo:Thank you.Eddie.But please come w_6 there is a lot of pieces of furniture.怎么改 IF YOU CAN DREAM IT ,YOU CAN DO IT !BELIEVE是什么意思 Dear!Come on I believe you can do it is,no,there,milk,in,fridge,the 、根据句意,选用括号适当的词填空 1.How many ( ) (chair/chairs) are there in the house?2.There are、根据句意,选用括号适当的词填空1.How many ( ) (chair/chairs) are there in the house?2.There are some ( ) (child/children) in 画出错误的单词并改正 there are nature park in the city there are many house in the village I'm sorry,___ I can't go shopping with you.是用but还是 and? Mother asked, “What has happened to you, Xiao Li?”此句如何改成间接引语这里的has happened不用交换位置吗? Is there any milk or juice in the fridge? I believe you can do it well 中文意思是?I believe you can do it well 中文意思? My duty is for patient A caring B to care 英语题+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++111IS there any differece between your idea and ____A.he B.his C.she D.her 1.The art exhibition was too crowed for us to get in.(保持句意不变)The art exhibition was ( ) crowed that we ( )get in it.2.Trees can pass food and water to each other.(保持句意不变)Trees can pass food and water to ( )( ). 英语问题111反意疑问句中,祈使句的反意疑问句时有两种答法~一是shall we or will we什么时候用前者,什么时候用后者? there ___ a clothes shop down the street the clothes there___ expensive.A is is B is are C are isD are are The man looking for his clothes over there is my father.转换成定语从句The man who was looking for his clothes over there is my father.The man who looked for his clothes over there is my father.都对吗 These clothes are on sale.(同义句) There is a_______ _______these clothes.