
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:21:32
英文歌曲,Last Friday Night 的中文 do you mind if i smoke here?不是mind吗那咋不要smoking When did you do homework yesterday的中文 When did you ____class yesterday原型是start,根据所给词的适当形式填空 Where ( ) the library and the computer room?A.are B.is C.be D.have Is there anybody in the room?(He wants to know..)转变为宾语从句 the last night 与last night 的区别 "you needn t be so rude about it ",my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror ,中的as?"you needn t be so rude about it ",my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror ,中的as是什么意思? you need not be so rude about it 这里about it做主补?还是什么别的成分 You need’t be so rude about it.这句话里为什么要加be呢? 父母与儿子的肤色相同,这在遗传学上称为什么? 高2生物题遗传学;母亲正常,父亲多指,生个儿子白化病.问在生一个多指的机率? 遗传学:为什么父母优秀,儿子不一定是优秀的个体?从遗传学的角度回答,尽量详细! 爸爸妈妈都正常,但生出一个儿子是白化病患者,这种现象在遗传学上称为 两个正常人,他们有一个患病女儿,一个正常儿子.这种现象在遗传学上称为什么 Please translate the following sentence into English求大神帮助做人可,做文可,做文人不可. Do you mind his {--------}填什么?A.smoke B.to smoke C.smoking D.smokes 将 小雨过后,满山笼罩着______的薄雾 这个比喻句补充完整 遗传学所有术语 (表型,等位基因,合子,二倍体,单倍体等) 染包括物种遗传等等 please translate the following sentence into English~电荒席卷各地之时,众多 火电企业却因煤价持续高 遗传学中提到的母亲的年龄效应是什么意思,这个的定义是什么? e(2.71828)是那个单词的缩写? E=mc^2 中的c是哪个单词的缩写我怎么也搞不懂是哪个代表 速度(真空光速) 的单词是以c开头的? The film let the Bullet Fly must be wonderful,----it?A.mustn't B.isn't C.needn't D.didn'tWHY NOT A ,C or 让杂合的高茎豌豆自交,后代中出现高茎和矮茎两种豌豆,且两者的比例大约为3:1,这种现象在遗传学上称为 遗传学巴氏小体有什么作用如果完全失活了的话为什么XO和XX不一样 How old are you?(同义句转换) How old are you?改为同义句是什么? How old are you 同义句是什么? How old are you?的同义句 They are doing their homework carefully.you'd better not----[disturb]them he was busy writing a story,olny stopping once in a while to smoke a cigarette这句为什么是伴随状语,伴随状语不应该是2个动作同时发生吗?Having suffering from heart trouble for years,professor white has to tale some medicine wit