
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:18:14
high school现在有几部了 Do you know the trouble I have_the work如题 谢谢了_处填什么?为什么? A.to do B.doing C.do D.done --do you have ____trouble finishing the work --the work is not so difficult as you think.we have finished it already A much B any C some D no 有一首歌的歌词是这样的 The boy you can know I have some trouble yes 求歌名 Do you have much trouble finifhing the work?为什么trouble前要用much不用some或any?是finishing 不是finifhing 打错了 He so diffused his tanlents that he never became a real success in anything.这句话中so的用法正确吗so后面加名词是什么用法?说错了,是so后面加动词是什么用法? ____ you should have no trouble with the difficult work.A. Knowing this B. If you're knowing this C. From knowing this D. If you had known this 英语翻译sensible什么意思? 英语翻译 High school D官方准备出到几集?共有几集啊? high school d×d 现在更新有多少集了? collar作为领子,dirt作为污垢可数吗? love someone;like; favor ;I love you blakehurst high school有school bus 么RT he has ____to tell us 1.something else 2.anything else 3.else something 4.else anything i have been learned English before. i had been learned English before. 有什么分别? 英语 What you have learned in the army before_you a lot in the future.What you have learned in the army before_you a lot in the future.A.helps B.helped C.has hepled D.will help 是选择D吗 为什么 Why pretend to love do not care? It's a good place for you _____ newspapers and books.A.buy B.to buy C.buying D.buys 空格中应该填哪个 为什么? He never does_______to make us laugh. a,anything intersting b.something intersting 选哪个,为什么不是说 someting 在否定句里变成anything吗?,NERVER不是表示否定吗但是我的答案书上是B,所以我茫然了 DO YOU LOVE ME TO是什么意思?DO YOU LOVE ME TO是什么意思、、、 是It's a good place to enjoy___.A.yours B.you是It's a good place to enjoy___.A.yours B.you C.yourself D.your 选择哪个选项?为什么? 锅炉爆炸会追究制造者的责任吗,如果发生伤亡的,会受到怎样的处罚只是帮别人焊接一个小型的锅炉,我想知道,锅炉就那么容易爆炸吗.我们属于个人制造的,如果真的爆炸,会追究我们制造的责 see you 零之轨迹什么时候出PC版 零之轨迹PC版什么时候能出 零之轨迹几时有PC版 Pretend not to care about you! A club is a _____(愉快的)place to spend our free time 为什么我用PS画出来的图形变成实心的了情况如图 dnf天空套8什么时候出 粽子采用真空包装是为了隔绝什么