
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:10:35
but we musr rember one other thing.a strong mind needs a strong body in order to make it most usefu FOB Ningbo,CNF Hamburg D/P at sight,T/T 60,请解释ETD ETAFOB Ningbo,CNF Hamburg D/P at sight,T/T 60,请解释ETD ETA CFS CLOSING&FEEDER&HK 因为本人刚接触船务.很多代码名词都不认识.请赐教 "A strong mind needs astrong body in order to make it most useful"什么意思 英语翻译Amazon's new tabletOn Fire 求三角恒等变形的所有公式(具体点) single double triple后面的我也知道quadruple等等,我想知道它这样什么时候到头啊,到一百的时候又该怎么说,有一百倍这种东西吗?还有比如我想说21个1,要怎么说.To 1楼:21 times 1 貌似很容易被理解 求各字母的意思 请问gre官网注册后隔多久才拿到ETS ID?前天注册的到现在还没有,说是信息没送到ETS,是因为放假吗? doomed to die You die I will not survive 同义句转换We hope to stay here as long as possible.We hope to stay here as long as ()(). Use things for as long as possible.为什么这里要加for?意思是这里for的作用是什么. 走马观花,吹毛求疵,引颈受戮的意思及造句! 造句 各有千秋 暴殄天物 吹毛求疵 组成一句话 非常着急非常着急啊 !!!!! 吹毛求疵的造句是什么? 吹毛求疵 顶礼膜拜 妙手回春 颓唐 博学 造句吹毛求疵 顶礼膜拜 妙手回春 颓唐 博学 造句至少用上一种修辞方法,写一段对某事的看法.我实在想不出来= =.其实选用两个词语就可以了.至少两 用藻饰、狡黠、诘难、伦理味同嚼蜡、吹毛求疵等造句藻饰、狡黠、诘难、伦理、味同嚼蜡、吹毛求疵、寻章摘句、滞碍一起造个句子 ETS等级是什么意思 - ___ ____ ____ of Qingdao beer would you like?- I'd like a bottle of Qingdao beer. ets的意思应用扩展程序 Id like a bottle of 谁知道类似single,double,triple,quadruple,quintuple,sextuple,septuple,octuple的词(13-99倍的)我已经知道0-12和100怎么说就差13倍到99倍,不能是-fold或- times,如:fourfold,four times等我查出来了,给大家看看:13 eta是什么意思? Some chicken and a bottle of beer for me,please.(回答)回答:A.Here you are B.Good idea C.Let me see 类似double triple quadruple sextuple 表倍数的单词有那些最好把1-10与11,12,20,30,50,100,1000倍都找到,不必要有诸如数词加fold(exampie: twofold threefold ...)的词 新概念2的第十课的提问What happened to the clavichord?怎么回答 句子结构判定The waiter brought a bottle of beer to me.具体分析句子中单词的性质The waiter brought a bottle of beer to me. what happened to the dragon 中文 what happened to the can not stand 翻译 英文句子翻译This is Jun Sung Ahn's entry into the yesStyle.com and 1964 Ears Clara C cover contest中文意思哦!