
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 11:55:35
when you (be after)for class ,you should say sorry to the teacher用括号中的恰当形式,填“?” 51.(09日照市高三模拟考试) 一Why are you so excited,John? —Our class got the first prize in the51.(09日照市高三模拟考试)一Why are you so excited,John?—Our class got the first prize in the singing contest at last,whi 焦躁不安横遭不幸照样子写一个类似的词语 焦躁不安的近意词是什么?3个3个! 五年级1分钟英语演讲 one of a kind(我是独一无二的) i am one of a kind翻译 bigbang 权志龙的one of a kind 中译歌词? My last one is kind of old.怎么翻译? Jim is a _____(幸运的)boy Mrs.指男还是女的?Mrs.是简写 全写是mister 五年级《鞋匠的儿子》读后感500字例文.五年级《鞋匠的儿子》读后感500字例文,先内容简介,再体会的读后感参考例文. 形容腿脚不灵便 老实等于笨蛋吗?有的人说老实人都是笨蛋,为什么这么说,有什么依据吗? She put it best when she said to her father,"But ,Dad,you can't be healthy if you'er dead." 怎么译其中:put it best 对不起,句中有误'er ...应是're... 英文she is near my father怎样翻译中文 1.受到不应有的指责或待遇,心里难过.2.腿脚不灵便,走路缓慢、摇摆的样子.这两个释义分别指哪两个词语,先到先采纳. 对女的是不是不能说SON OF A BITCH……毕竟女的不是SON,难道换成DAUGHTER……? 求关于bitch的用法.不单单是骂人的吧?有时候是加强语气或者其他什么的.son of bitch这个就算了吧.. 别人老说我傻,我不爱说话, 傻笔和傻瓜之间有什么区别 got,her,the,before,Lucy,report,day,yesterday,cards(.) 连词成句 did,Lily,and,Lucy,where,go,morning,yesterday,的连词成句? 傻子 为啥傻? 英语里有句脏话是son of bitch还是son of a bitch?那个bitch是什么意思? 心惊肉跳怎么造句 心惊肉跳造句 用 心惊肉跳 造句 late later latter lately什么区别 late的比较级是later 还是latter? late,lately,later,latter,latest有什么区别 最好是自己总结 请问late,later,lately,latter的区别 late lately later latese latter区别最好是短小精悍易懂、但是也欢迎举例、但拒绝复制、谢谢各位啊、