
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 12:54:03
我搞不懂她的真实想法我找了份外企工作.然后告我最好的朋友没料我朋友居然要我别去说外企很苦的我说很轻松的.她说我不是吓你你做了就知道之类的.我自己工作难道自己不清楚吗?我谈一 英语里完全形式填空有什么好方法? Where you allowed to touch things? 英语形式填空 求化身博士的奇案的读后感 很紧急 求《化身博士》英文读后感拜托了各位 具体点,100字以内(高一的) 化身博士读后感英文题目题目就可以了. 英语翻译I can't further a conversation with foreigners.I can't have a deep conversation with foreigners. Offense is the best defense是什么意思 Offense is the best defence谁能翻译的更好些? the best goddness is yourself.的中文意思是? 急求《化身博士》的英文简介清尽快回答! 帮忙想一个含有D和q英文名,最好是D开头的 And if thats you Blow me a kiss to let me know if you feeling me. 英语翻译求翻译:How do we make sense of raising a real number to an imaginary power? The sand is (very soft)括号提问 The clothes ______very soft.A.are felt B.are feeling C.feel D.feels为什么?理由 listen to this初级听力以及答案有没有音质稍微好一点,昨天下了一套杂音很严重, 怎么煎鸡蛋? 煎鸡蛋的流程是什么... 大英四级各项分值哪位知道大英四级各个题的分值是多少?比如:快速阅读10个每个几分,听力30个每个几分 这种类型的. 节约用水的提示语 It will be sunny late on.的意思 Come on,and will be late.句子改错 有没有什么软件能把一篇中文翻译成英文并且念出来 l hear the show ____(hold) in a middle school I t_______ music in a middle school. during the days i worked as a teacher in a middle school.AfollowingBfollowedCto followDthat followed 早餐吃煎鸡蛋和培根会发胖吗 Tell Mary that there's someone _____for her at the door.非谓语动词专练A:waiting B:waited C:waits D:to wait 诗句(如下)各位大虾帮帮忙_______________,雄鸡一唱天下白._______________,为有源头活水来._______________,两山排闼送青来. who will you ____the expenment toghter with nancy A have done B have do C have to do 选B 为什么?