
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 13:57:12
历史上的“六圣”,他们分别指谁? 他现在不舒服,想躺一会儿 用lie down 造句 怎么自己在家也能学英语?我主要比较懒,基础又差 用收拾的三种不同含义造句 贵阳那里补习初中数理化好 He never reads anything ___ is not worth reading.中选which还是that. He never reads anything___is not worth reading.which as who it 选哪个?为什么 He never reads anything ---is not worth reading.空白处填that还是as He never reads____is not worth readingA which B what 为什么不能选A 英语翻译先帮我翻译句子,再告诉我括号里填什么.有几个选项1 sit2 job3 factory用适当形式,选项里没有,就自由发挥吧. 用正确时态改写下列句子I spoilt some tea on my clean clothes.I was getting ready to go out.(just as 6月27日望湖楼醉书中什么对什么诗中什么对什么 相对的词 6月27日望湖楼醉书怎样改写成记叙文 leave和arrive的用法 六月二十七日望湖楼醉书意思 with sth to do 请举一些相似句型 迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势,搞不懂 搞不懂 .以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势如破竹 这句话用了什么修辞方法 ____a diary every day and you'll improve your writing.A.Keeping BTo keep CKeep DIf you keep要详解 想学讲英语应该买什么英语词典 第一个是英语词典 橘绯什么意思 迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势下一句是什么 your english is not good ,exampress your 赞颂人物的名言名句 我国历史上有六圣分别是史圣,诗圣,画圣,书圣,医圣,草圣.他们分别是谁? 问,谁是历史上的谋圣 My father was too surprised to say anything when he read the news同意句用初二的知识点 Listening to music is fun.这里的fun作什么成分?是宾语还是表语?句子的结构是主谓宾还是主系表? He is s__ at the news 1.He is s__ at the news2.Could computers ever beat h__ at chess?3.Can you p____ this message to Jim4.What he said isn't t___ did you have a_____ books in you bag