
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 00:07:18
高中生物果蝇交配染色体性别状况问题果蝇的红眼(B)对白眼(b)为显性,B和b部位于X染色体上.一只红眼雌果蝇与一只红眼雄果蝇交配,发现后代中有白眼果蝇,这些白眼果蝇的性别状况是A. 运动鞋与地面的摩擦力和什么有关 请问一下大家《蝶恋花》诗词要用呀, 什么( )风大雨?(除了“狂”和“暴”) 什么叫单基因多型性?是单基因多型性,《数量性状由表型变异到基因发现的研究进展》,这篇文章里提到的。应该是单基因多态性。谢谢你。 风大雨大何处躲猜生肖是什么? 请问DNA和蛋白质有种的差异性是什么意思?然后蛋白质有种的差异性而氨基酸却没有,这又是为什么呢? ‘无论外面风大雨大’用英文怎么说是‘whatever rain outside’么? 怎样提高鞋子摩擦力 那种鞋的摩擦力最大钉子鞋不算,就是跑酷用的那种,轻不轻便无所谓 验DNA要不要好多钱要怎样验?我的意思是自己的身世不明,要怎么样才能验出我与我父母的DNA,除了验DNA还有没有其它途径. 怀孕初期和别人发生过性关系会改变宝宝的基因吗?我是去年10月8号最后一次来例假,然后11.22试纸测试为阳性,11.28去医院再次确认为阳性,做了阴道B超显示为早孕.我想问一下12.2和初恋的男孩 唾液可否验出DNA? 如果短时间内与两个不同的男人发生过性关系能否把之后出生的孩子验出是谁的吗?患者信息:女 江苏 苏州 我有个闺蜜在外面有个情人但是回到家照样过着实婚的夫妻生活.但是有一天她遇 汗水能不能验DNA人能不能通过汗水验出DNA? 句型转换 There is something wrong with my father(用what改写) dna分子___复杂,具有___性,___性 谁知道DNA分子的特异性是指DNA分子具有什么? DNA主要存在于()中,他的结构像().DNA分子很长,它可以分成许多(),每个()具有特定性的(),叫做一个(). 《九下同步》P18(18):---Who's ____ young man with long hair?---He's a friend of mine.A.a B.the C.an 选啥,并解析,为什么 He was busy with a man\'s hair,when a handsome young stranger came in.是什么 化学中怎样看方程式分出强酸(碱)弱酸(碱) The bottles made in most places contain about three-quarters new glass and the rest is recycled这一句怎么翻译, The wall is made from glass bottles and cans .这个句子语法对吗 英语翻译怎么样改为被动语态呢? The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued together.为什么用from?这个原材料不是看得出来的吗?而且,没有发生化学变化,应该用of.是保持到物理性质不变的,是可以看得出原材料的. you should at least tell me the reason __ your doings . 选哪一个?谢谢! A.of B.with C.for D.why The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued together.The roof is made from discarded tiles.为什么用be made from,怎么不用be made of.be made of不是能看出原材料的那种吗? You should at least tell the reason ___ what you have done.A of B with C for D at With his work completed ,the businessman stepped back to his seat,feeling pleased ___he was a man of action .A which B that C what D whether i prefer the aisle seat here.i feel sick with a seat back to the engine.4055 同义句转换A man with glasses spoke loudly and help me get back the seatA man ( )glasses spoke( )( )( )( )and help me get back the seat.拜托各位了