
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 17:12:12
He has been ill for several weeks,so he has ______ in learning Maths. 他计算那道题有麻烦.He has trouble in _ out that maths proublem.The students _ _ _(穿校服) are talking about _ _(兴奋的事)happily.They are _ _(太吵了).Ask them not to _ _ _ _(发出这么大的噪音) my sister has a lot of trouble -----maths A to learn B.learing C learned D learns 和月字组词的词有哪些 be meant 请问core values该如何翻译? be kindly spoken of 英语翻译Jack went to a barber's shop and had his hair cut,but when he came out,he was not happy with the result(结果).When his friend Bob saw him,he laughed and said,"What has happened to your hair,Jack?" Jack said,"I tried a new barber's shop be spoken 已知平行四边行ABCD的高AH=HC=4厘米,阴影部分面积II是I的2倍,求平行四边形的面积 胜利,优利德和华谊万用表哪个牌子质量好 影响梅特勒天平的称量因素有哪些?最好全面的! be short for 的意思不会 be short for的中文意思 be short for 和 be short of之间的区别是什么? be short meet their own different needs what information do they require to meet their decision-making needs? finally we ______ a plan to meet everyone's needsA.broke out B.gave out C.stressed out D.worked out 在直尺上,1分米的10分之3是多少厘米 用硬纸板做成的直径是2分米的圆在直尺上滚动一周时所经过的距离是多少分米 be away from,be away of,be away for都有这三个搭配吗? 如何提问Be away for的句子 be away与be away for--Professor Johnson,last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper,a computer failure completely wiped up my files.Do you think I could have another day to retype it?--I'm sorry,Rod.I'm leaving for a conference t 如下图,在平行四边形ABCD中,已知CH=FB,其中阴影部分的面积是15平方厘米,求这个平行四边形的面积最好用算术 leave for 与 be away for区别 右图中,ABCD是平行四边形,BDEF是长方形.如果平行四边形的面积是38cm2,那么阴影面积是几平方厘米图弄不上去 混合物与纯净物的本质区别( )A物质的种类 B原子的种类 C元素的种类 D存在的状态 仔细说明白! 正常人的明视距离是多少? be good for是什么意思 一个长方体的底面积是a平方分米,宽和高都是8分米,这个长方体的表面积是多少?