
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 18:03:10
英语作文:愉快的暑假马上就要到了,你一定有许多美妙的计划吧!现在就请你展开丰富的想象,为自己构思一个美妙的暑假.50词左右. 有8张座号不同的电影票,发给3个人,一人2张,一人5张,一人1张.问共有多少种不同的分法? 把三件不同的奖品发给10个人中的三个,不同的分法种数是? In the year 2050 we will talk to computers. In the year 2050 everybody will ( ) a pocket computer.A.carry B.bring C.give D.unusual My cousin will have graduated from university___?为什么选by the year 2012.in 2012戓in year 2012为什么不对?那么用by 2012, 3张电影票平均分给10个人,怎么分有知道答案的请告知 下面是十张电影票.要拿两张座位靠在一起的电影票,一共有多少种不同拿法?10排2座 10排12座10排4座 10排14座10排6座 10排16座10排8座 10排18座10排10座 10排20座 The love I give you can't come back to me right now 求大神准确翻译 谢谢 有没有描写父母动作的语段?(100字左右) 描写弹钢琴的语段(100字左右) 翻译if you only can understand chinese only,sorry 跪求“窈窕淑女”的英文影评 描写父亲或母亲的语段,100字左右每一个都要有一个细节描写,例如语言、心理、动作、外貌、神态等,有多少就给多少个语段我, 窈窕淑女英文观后感200个单词左右 电影窈窕淑女的影评,英文的,谢谢 求大学英语常用关联词 窈窕淑女英文评论 请介绍一本大学英语读物 思想深刻 公共英语和大学英语有什么区别?哪个更实用? 实用英语和大学英语有什么区别? I hear you’ve got a new job.How are you getting on?请问有没有how do you get on的表达呢. 帮忙翻个句子Not long to go until i comeNot long to go until i come 应该怎么翻译比较正确? 10个人采用抽签的方式抽2张电影票,求第二个人抽到电影票的概率(用全概率公式).需要用全概率公式解答, could you tell me?Is there a mall near here?1.could you tell me?Is there a mall near here?2.can you please tell me?Are there any good restaurants in watertown?3.Do you know?where is the bookstore?4.could you please tell me?How can I get to wonderland are you getting up or what what you are getting on with...RT what do you up to 和what are you up to 是一个意思吗? What are you up to?的同义句是什么 They are brothers and sisters,but they don't always agree as well as they __ A.can B.should C.mayD.will How are you getting on____ Helen there are more than twenty thousand australians in hong kong(同义句)_____ twenty thousand australians ___ in hong kong