
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 07:02:56
几道奥数题,帮我解下!1.某商店运来一批水果,梨与苹果的重量比是5:4,香蕉是苹果的87.5%,香蕉比梨少210千克.运来苹果多少千克?2.国庆节这一天,妈妈在甲乙两个商场都看到了同一款茄克衣,很适 Mike,_________(ride)their bicycles to school.Mary_________(not live)in road. He can ride a bike to school now同义句He ____ _____ _____ride a bike to school now Mike is not at ( ) school?A.a B.an C the D./ 迷蒙的近义词是什么? 迷蒙的近义词 球夏利高一物理题目的详解 1:某商场有一自动扶梯,某客户沿开动(上行)的自动扶梯走上楼时,数得走了16级楼梯;当他以同样析速度(相对电梯)沿开动(上行)的自动扶梯走下楼时,数得走了48级楼梯,则该自 更改的近义词是什么? 进化的近义词是什么 我给句子排排队 把下面六句诗排成六行,使诗的内容连贯.一个海员说.一个盼望出发.一个海员说.一个盼望到达.他最喜欢的是起锚所激起的浪花.最是他高兴的是抛锚所发出的那一阵阵铁链的喧哗. 英语翻译我做英语阅读时总习惯直接把它翻译下来理解,就是说有点类似''视译'',不读英文句子,直接翻译成中文读下来.这样好吗,要不要改掉这习惯?各位有英语好的又是怎么读的呢?给点建议 做乙酸乙酯实验时 浓H2SO4的吸水性起到什么作用?反应物是乙酸 乙醇 哪里有水?水已经到Na2CO3溶液里去了 H2SO4 在反应物这边 请问怎么吸水啊?水已经到Na2CO3溶液里去了 H2SO4 在反应物这边 请问 (英)将几个句子改为被动语态(急)句子:1.Nobody has told me where to go2.Who wrote the book3.Did the idea interest you4.You should have taken those books back to the library5.You don't need to wind this watch6.People believe that the girl 请给下列句子排排队:1 我们的眼睛忙极了,不知看哪一处好.2 在急驰的时候,他能够转弯;在拥挤的时候,他能够挤进挤出.3 我们看来是极险极窄的地方,小艇总能平稳地穿过去,而且速度极快, 给下列句子排排队快点啊,1.环境恶化,动植物开始灭绝,这对人类生存将造成直接的威胁2.因此,有理由说,保护各种物种,就是保护人类自己3.最近动物学家们发现,地球上许多地区的两栖动物的数 把这些英文句子变为被动语态1.Can you make a cake for me?2.They have read many famous works by Americans tonight.3.You can't throw the rubbish everywhere.4.The sports meeting will take place next saturday 开火是什么字上下. 简述吕奉先射戟辕门(100字)急需!要一百字以内的,最好是白话文! I've never seen him talking to his friends on the phone or going out with anyone on weekend 射字还读什么音 有这样一道题 麻烦帮解下A=01、B=02、C=04、D=08、E=16、F=32、G=64(每一项是前一项*2)问Z=?就是这样,麻烦吧关系式告诉下,还有思路.小弟拜谢! 麻烦各位给解下这道题,急问 据报道,近几年有许多重大火灾都是因线路连接处接触不良而造成的,教训十分深刻.线路连接处接触不良引起火灾的原因是:当线路连接处接触不良时,该处电阻将______【选填“减小”“增大” 点解我每日都甘黑仔,做每项野都吾顺,人地运气甘好,点解自己运气甘差?真是好烦好烦啊!边个可以讲卑我听点解会甘? Many people take it for granted that black is a colour of bad things while white should always mean something good.This may be because in their opinion,black is related to darkness and white to purity.However,that is not always the case.Did you know I stood there astonished,barely believing that the man,【】 existence was unknown to me only moments ago,could be so thoughtful.“Come on,give this to your mummy,” he said to my older son.I gratefully accepted the offer,thanked him and watched t 1.Your compositions are well written _______ Jim’s.(除.之外,以外)2.The hurricane damaged many houses and business building; _______ ,it caused 30 deaths.(除.之外,以外)3.The bus is empty _______ an old lady.(除.之外,以外)4 高二英语 的一个填空问题 谢谢!As far as I am concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary 【within】 easy reach.为什么是填within 不填to呢?谢谢! 如果条形磁铁的磁性减弱了,你还能哟美好电流来使它增强吗?应该怎么办? When did you leave school I--------(leave) in 1996.Why---------(want) to be an electricaian?I've always ---------(enjoy) fixing things,and my friend Gary-----(work) here for a year -he loves it?Gary-ah yes,the young man who ----------(mend) the Londo