
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 05:18:22
----cold March is usually in the northest.A.A B.The C.An D./It's time for supply.They are___.A.at table B.at tables C.at the table D.at the tablesPeople like to see films on _____TV instead of going to ____cinema.A.the;the B./;the C.the;/ D./;/ 参 灯帽盖灭酒精灯的原理是A 消除可燃物B 降低温度C 隔绝空气D 降低着火点 酒精灯用灯帽盖灭这种灭火方法的主要原理是什么?快帮帮wo 杯酒释兵权讲的是什么故事? 杯酒释兵权讲的是哪个皇帝的故事8 有10道英语选择题,能保证全对的帮忙回答把~11.Tom ____ of visiting his grandmother,but the bad weather made him change his mind.A.has thought B.thought C.had thought D.had been thought12.The film _____ for 15 minutes when I arrived at 谁能帮我答10道英语的选择题第1题 单选题 After Billy proved that he could ride a bicycle safely,his father ___ to him and bought him one.1.give off 2.give in 3.give out 4.give back 第2题 单选题 We were in Paris for two days,so we 英语选择题(8:30之前回答)Because hotels usually ____ their prices in winter.The price of a hotel room ____ only 120 yuan a nightA.take,isB.take,areC.cut ,isD.cut ,are 10个英语选择题1.The landlady ___ us bread and milk.A.offeredB.recoveredC.receivedD.confronted2.This is not my bike.It's ____________.A.MaryB.Mary'sC.of MaryD.the bike of Mary3.She divided the cake into three pieces and gave her three children The position,however,______you are applying,is not quite a well-paid one.A.that B.when C.for which D.to which 杯酒释兵权发生在哪个朝代? “杯酒释兵权”这一典故发生在哪个朝代 1.Mary’s dress is similar in appearance to her_______.A elder sister B elder sister’s C elder sisters dress 这道题为什么不选C 他们说是双重所有格?2.All the people at the conference are_______.A mathematic teachers B mathematics te “杯酒释兵权”这一典故发生在 “杯酒释兵权”这一典故发生在7 想开始学英语包括口语,希望可以找个人帮忙!上班后才觉得自己知道的掌握的太少,失败!非诚勿扰! 体温计为什么能测量体温 据说她要结婚了 英语翻译? 发烧了可以在身上擦酒精降温吗? 英语翻译 英语翻译在《送徐无党南归序》中有两句不清楚,1)其不朽而存者,故不待施于事,况于言乎?【“待”怎么理解】2)然予固亦喜为文辞者,亦因以自警焉.【后半句如何理解,是省略句吗】我还想 英语翻译后生才锐者①,最易坏.若有之,父兄当以为忧,不 可以为喜也.切须常加简 束②,令熟读经学,训以宽 厚恭谨③,勿令与浮薄者游 处④,如此十许年.志趣自 成.不然,其可虑之事,盖 非一端⑤ 英语翻译五一就要来了,我想到翠竹山上欣赏夜景.在半路遇到了张爷爷,他和他妻子也是来欣赏夜景的,他们散步在月光下,张爷爷是我的邻居,儿子女儿都很忙.每逢过年过节,儿女才来看他们.但 The party,_______I was the guest of honour,was extremely enjoyable.A.by which B.for which C.to which D.at which 怎样提高语文、数学、英语、物理的成绩要的是具体做法,给一点建议,让小生多学学 怎么快速提高英语或物理成绩?RT,就看你们的了.给我出个好主意,我就去执行了、 英语翻译要求翻译几句文言文1.姨父作难而七庙X(还有个字不认识)者,何也?仁义不施而攻守之势异也.2.仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛,所以游目骋怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也.3.善万物之得时, 英语翻译是《祖逖闻鸡起舞》、《鉴真东渡日本》、《颜氏父子异志》、《苏秦刺骨》、《张仪受笞》 在问题补充里,希望详解1.---------as it was at such a tme,the movie attracted much attention.我选C答案是BA.Being released B.Released C.Releasing D.To be released2.Wouldn't you rather your child-----------healthier food?我选A答案是BA 物理基础知识怎样提高 英语翻译前令束手不敢犯. 古文翻译在线 帮忙翻译几个句子岳麓书院学规最早源于朱熹《书院教条》,到清代乾隆年间,欧阳正焕任书院院长,提出“整、齐、严、肃”四字并撰诗:时常省问父母 朔望恭谒圣贤 气习各