
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:12:59
two`four`three`zero`eight`six`ohe`night`four`two这些英文用中文数字该怎么写有哪位知道勤告诉我一下啊 英语中有一个词组 come ture 请问它的用法是什么,有被动吗 英文词组come by是什么意思啊? 英语高手快请进.请详细点.谢了! ONLY裤子尺码换算穿160/64A S(R) 那Size(32-42)和Length(32-36)分别是多少呢.我自己不会换算换成欧洲的…… 英语词组come up to是什么意思?小学教科书上要求查意思的 我试了only的裤子,是2尺2的,不知道对应是什么尺码? they go to school early every morning.(把They改Tom 英文中含"come"的短语有那些?PS:附加中文翻译! 英语题 快 好评哦3、——The weather is too cold ____ March英语题 快 好评哦3、——The weather is too cold ____ March this year.——It was still ____ when I came here years ago.A、for; colder B、in; cold C、in; hot D、for; ho this cold weather前加什么?是though?over?in?under 中译英:这件衬衫和你的裤子很配The shirt _____ _____ _____ your trousers 修改英语病句he always ride his bike to school还有一句:please write t me and we can be peng friend He was late because of the weather was bed改错 the plan landed lated late by two hours because of the bad weather.为什么用by 不用for啊? A didn't go to the party not _(because/because of)the weather but _(because /because of)busy doing请说明理由,急...Sorry题目后部分是but_he didn't feel well.能补充回答吗! The airport got crowded this morning .The plane___late because of the bad weather.A,had taken offB,was taken off C.had been taken off D,took off 请说明理由. I'm late_____the heavy rain.【because,because of】 China is a great country with a long h_________ 根据首写字母及句意补全单词.China is a country with a l___ population.Everyone should care for wild a____ and piant more trees.He has been dead s___ 10 years ago.--Why didn't you tell her about that?--I couldn't ring her beacuse I hadn't China is a country with a (po ) of more than 1.3 billion. China is a country( )a population of 1.3billion A with B has选哪一个啊 China is a country with the largest population in the world. 泉城——济南 春城——?江城——?山城——?羊城——?蓉城——?=(哪个地方) 泉城 春城 江城 山城 羊城 蓉城都是哪里 The weather in the south is generally warm,but it _____ be very cold sometimes.A.may B.shall C.will D.can I ride my bike to school同意句 I'm going to ride my bike to school.(写同义句) 伊丽莎白二世 为什么是英国女王那查尔斯王子和威廉王子为什么又是王储? 现在的英国女王伊丽莎白二世没女儿吗 The weather this year is much hotter than ____ that year.选项中有it和that,但不知选什么,据说是2012年中考题,不知是哪的?~ it is much hotter this year than ( ) last yearA.That is C.it is为什么要选C呢, We have _____(much) snow this year than last year.