
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 23:30:36
帮我蒙十篇寒假日记,要简单点的,100字,不能出现真实的人名地名!内容不限,能蒙多少就多少,最好十篇! 一国两制的提出和应用 一辆小车上固定一个倾角=30度的光滑斜面,斜面上安装一块竖直光滑挡板,在挡板和斜面间放置一个质量m=10kg的立方体木块,当小车沿水平面向右以加速度a=5m/s2运动时,斜面及挡板对木块的作用 __is my mother? 穷人为什么穷? 穷人为什么会穷? 脂酸β-氧化的终产物是? 脂酸氧化的限速酶是 帮我找一些有关鼓舞人心的名人名言好吗?我要开场了,想给我的员工们一起努力工作,加油! 请问穷人怎么改变命运? 一个人以每小时4千米的速度从山脚登上山顶,又以每小时6千米的速度从山顶按原路返回山脚,在一个上下的过程内平均速度是? 防止食品受潮及复脂食品氧化变质随着人们生活节奏的加快 , 方便的小包装食品已被广泛接受.为了延长食品的保质期 , 防止食品受潮及富脂食品氧化变质 , 在包装袋中应放人的化学物质是 ( 在食品冷加工中,如何减少脂肪的氧化酸败 光彩照明属于什么工程 琐记 范爱农 的主要人物及其性格特点,并举例说明,分别写出它们的主旨.在线等,急,好的我会追加!是鲁迅的《朝花夕拾》 灯具,灯饰属于五金吗? 图书馆的照明方式一般是什么?属于直接照明吗? who broke the window. 1 My mother did. 2My mother ,which one is right,why 做甜酒时在中间挖一凹坑有什么作用 一道专四英语选择题When i finish the story,Lenin jumped up from his chair and started pacing the floor,_____,deep in thought.A with his head bending B in his head bent C his head bending D his head bent 一道英语专四选择题Women wearing the gowns were said to look_____they had just stepped out of bed.A as B that C as that D as though 英语专四的一道选择题it is_____ of him to put everything in disorder in the room.he is so peculiara.unconscious b.aware c.typical unkind 急~~一道英语专四选择题( ),we must remain cheerfulA.What may come B. May what come C.Come what may D.Come wahtever may帮忙解释一下为什么选择C,具体一些.然后翻译一下.谢谢了D那个选项是 Come whatever may 玻璃上能喷漆木纹吗 喷涂木纹和晶泳木纹做木纹的工艺时间是不是一样? 木纹铝合金喷涂有害吗 球蛋白可以和氨基酸一起混合输送吗(打点滴时) 观月(张孝祥)中有一个四字词与“中秋”的意思完全相同,请问是什么?如题 Before the c went up,the dancers took their places on the stage.Before the c went up,the dancers took their places on the stage.要填什么单词以c开头 He took the seatbelt off her,then went up for that trumpet player was certainly loud,but i wasn't bothered by his houdness____by his lack of talent.a so much as b rather than c as d than附详细讲解 2020年有多少天?