
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 20:48:03
介词后面为何能接adsj?(一般只接名词或者代词)On the other hand ,he did not accept as well founded the charge by some of his critics that while he was a good boserver ,he had no power of reasoning.【说明】1、as well founded 请帮我翻译一下.将 在公园的右侧有一座小山,我们可以爬吗?翻译成英文! a,to ,draw,the,show,how,circle,student(,) 连词成句 郭沫若天上的街市与天狗这两首诗表达手法有什么异同 英语翻译he may not have laughed about his cancer,but he laughed about dealing with the results of cancer. 小强是蟑螂么? 帮忙!读后感!不限字数! 梦坊读后感 字数不限发我邮箱txt格式直接回 有没有水浒传读后感,要十篇哦,字数不限~每篇都要有自己的感想哦~好的话我继续加分~对了,不是单独的,而是把整本书分为了十段,一段一段的写哦~ Do you have (some any) got a very big bedmoon选some还是选any? 英语翻译对不起,应该是 her,我忘了Mary应该是个女人,对不起,请重新翻译吧。-3膝盖上的梳妆台听起来有些儿奇怪,能改一改吗? 英语翻译我害怕失去现在的一切 翻译准点!谢 ____hardly made Allan pay any attention to_____ his mistakes.两问A Scolding;correctingB Being scolded;correctC Being scolded;correctingD Having been scolded;correct此处to是介词,然后排除C,D;scolding是动名词,在此作主语.所以选A It is important children should be taught how to get along well with _______.A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.some 翻译句子:He hopeed China to be the next host country for the Olympics. don not pay attention to me? 材料一:康熙皇帝说:"进天下大小事务,皆朕一人亲理,无可旁贷.----(清)材料二:第一条 中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的,以工农联盟为基础的人民民主国家.第二条 中华人民共和国的一切权利 17.The travelers __________on top of the mountain.They called 110 for help.A.17.The travelers __________on top of the mountain.They called 110 forhelp.A.trapped B.weretrapped C.trapping D.are trapping.( )11.There were ____victims in the war .A two th 伪满皇宫博物馆怎么样 they reached the top the mountain on foof. 伪满皇宫博物院在哪? 参观感受参观完比较有名的公司的感受. 人的一生分为三天,昨天,今天和明天.这句话是谁说的? 拜求英语周报四川外研版高二英语下学期月考卷二的答案. the more at easy you’ll be.为什么the more at easy放前面而不是后面? I think the 2008 Olympic Games will be an i____ Games 人的一生只有三天--昨天 今天 明天谢谢了,请问这句话的意思是? 高兴不已用英语on the top of 怎么说 《Top of the world》的英文歌词 Tom's breakfast,汤姆的早餐.这个'S怎么理解啊? 空格 silly boy he is!a:what a 为什么?空格 silly questions you have asked!第二个为什么选what? 有人说人的一生分为3天,昨天/今天/明天,你认为最美好的是那一天呢?昨天/今天/明天 .伴随着每一个度过一生的3个天!