
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:21:49
谁能给我“Fire fly”的全文翻译 已知tana=3 求根号下(sin^4a-3sinacos^3a+cos^4a) 若角θ的终边过点P(4a,-3a),(a≠0),求sinθ和cosθ的值 若角θ的终边经过点P(4a,-3a)(a≠0),求sinθ和cosθ的值 已知(sin²A+4)/(cosA+1)=2,求(cosA+3)*(sinA+1)的值 sin2a/sin(a-π/4)=-根号2/2,则sina+cosa=sin2a / sin(a-π/4)= - 根号2/2, 则sina+cosa= 已知sin a/2=4/5,且 a 属于(派/2,派),求sina,cosa的值 英语翻译是纽约时报对海地地震的一篇报道中的2个小段~《Morgue Becomes Mountain of Anguish》.Hundreds of bodies,those of adults and children alike,were already piled outside the morgue,bloated under the blazing sun.Relatives p 英语翻译Amy had washed her dirty hands,read stories,washed cuts,and wiped away tears for her,always konwing she could stop when she wanted to. 请问显示器22寸,19寸,14寸,12寸是怎么定义的,换算成厘米应该是多少? 英语翻译Characters are extremely OOC.This is a product of boredom,an endless spiral of empty space.《HXH》original story and characters belong not to me,but to the legendary ****.Kuroro Lucifer makes his move on the unsuspecting Kurapika and ro CRT是什么意思? 英语翻译Weird how back at school she’d heard eiii-dee not I.D.It was like static was interfering,to confuse her.Like after she’d fallen on the stairs and hit her face and her head and she hadn’t been able to walk without leaning against a w 英语翻译Dancehall is a type of Jamaican reggae which developed around 1979.The style is characterized by a DJ singing and rapping or toasting over raw and danceable reggae music. sin(π+a)=2时,-sina等于多少?谢啦! sin(a-2π)*sin(π+a)为什么等于sina(-sina)啊…… sina=1/2,sin(2013a+派)等于多少?rt 翻译:如果你们大家熟悉这个情况的话, 英语翻译除了to be true,truly speaking,actually,frankly以外还有哪些用法?越地道越好~ 他跟我说话时就好像认识我好多年了 翻译成英语 英语翻译嗯……如果是 You cannot talk with me 我觉得跟原意就扭曲了…… 英译中翻译the friendship isn't worth thetears unless the friend is love is friendship set on fire true friends are hard to find,difficult to leave ,and impossible to forgettrue friendship is based on trust ,honesty and sincere generosity of our 翻译英译中her website offers a series of lesson,which are videos of Daisy teaching a group of students on topocs from greeting and numbers to Chinese culture. 英语翻译.I recently have seen fit to follow another course.I believe that the issues confronting us cross party lines.Now,one side in this campaign has been telling us that the issues of this election are the maintenance of peace and prosperity. 英语翻译Grid Corporation prepared to deal with the challenges posed by the high permeability of microgrid. 英语翻译So far the movement has scored some of its biggest victories in Europe.Earlier this year,Germany became the first nation to grant animals a constitutional right:the words ''and animals'' were added to a provision obliging the state to res 昨天下午,小明向老师讲了实话英文翻译 求英译中!To my great anger,the farmers are often made to work in the open air from morning to night 英译中, 求歌词:此情永不移英译中歌词 英译中:用英语写日记When I was at the age of thirteen,I began to keep diary in English.At first,it seemed difficult to me,but now it has begun to be easy.I know it's not possible to learn English well without more practice.I like reading,li