
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 10:45:34
work me it's for to difficult finish thework me it's for to difficult finish the(.)连词组句 当一个动词带有两个或两个以上宾语从句时,此时第一个that可省略,第二个that不可省略的句子. 是不是所有动词都可以接that,that放在动词后面引导句子都行? 有关 魔法禁书目录 和 科学超电磁炮 这两部动画片的 漫画版 和 动画版 分别都写到第几季了?如果将有第二季,什么时候出啊?现在有 禁书目录2 的动画版了么?下面这个图貌似是正规动画版的 —I'd like some more soup,please.___delicious.—Here you are.Please help___.A.They're;yourselves B.They're;yourselfC.It's;yourselves C.It‘s;yourself Can i have some vegetabies?Sure,here you are How to remember new words in learning a foreign language?如题.请至少列出三点(用英文哦.呵呵) 请问你有没有人教版英语必修1,2,3,4,5的单词表 The advice on how to learn a foreign language by Marx is ____.A.worthy of takingB.worth to be takenC.worth being takenD.worthy to be taken为啥选D? 英语翻译大侠!求救!翻译一下这篇语篇!how to learn a foreign language through translation语篇翻译,具体的你可以在网上打这个标题,就有那篇,我翻译成中文可是因为后面一段不确定想请教各位英语翻译 ,你的英国笔友Tom为了来中国.How to learn a foreign language well?这是一篇英语作文 Can I have( )books,please? A.any B.a C.some 说为什么哦 有没有关于《瓦尔登湖》的读后感?希望文采能够好一些哟 Is it neccessary________(learn)a foreign language横线上填什么 找一首歌,看的一视频里面的歌词did you ever ever belive.time to go to war.did you ever deny that of的用法?There is no _________ in the world.A.love greater than a mother B.love greater than that of a mother C.love greater as a mother D.as great love a as that of a mother 这题答案是B 我选了A 请亲具体说说'that of'的用法 某科学的超电磁炮真的出第二季吗?几时出? 某科学的超电磁炮什么时候出第二季 是l have been there 还是l have to there200以内,同时只含有素因数2.、3、7的合数有几个A.2个 B、3个 C、4个 D、5个与分数30分之12相等,且分母小于30的分数是不是有2个? I have 2days been to school急啊,各位仁兄其实我也觉得这句子有问题 what they often [do]on saturdays?如题 I said I was thinking to be away a long time,and that if she could not understand it.这个句子中的that是不是延续前面said后省略的that,是不是也可以省略 .Henry never said that he was good at maths,_______ he?  A.was B.did C.didn'tD.wasn‘t Mrs.Lee likes to travel from one country to ____?A.other B.the other C.another I'm from China .I want a male friend from another country. remind sb.of(doing)sth.2.remind sb+that从句3.remind sb.to do sth.{3个结构造同义句} 语法高手请进:of 后面可以接that 亦或只能接独立主格结构?Beckham represents the image of sport hero whose handsome appearance and unparalleled football skills are passionately adored by all the sports fans.我觉得此句中the i regardless of后面可以跟that从句吗? 丹麦领土(日德兰半岛)面积为什么不把格陵兰岛算在内?格陵兰算丹麦领土内吗? shall we go there by bus同义句 填空Let's go to the supermarket.Good idea!But____?Shall we go there by bike? Shall we go there by bus?(改为同义句)格式如下:___ ___ we ___ ___ ___there?