
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 23:05:54
点点滴滴的意思 外国人眼中的狼是怎样的 对括号内进行提问: 1 Those girls are writing(in the bedroom).2There is (some) chocolate in the packet. 改成祈使句 :1We can't swim in the river in the river in summer. Mr White likes Beijing O(首字母) very much and he is learning it. 首字母:He likes e____very much 狼来自于哪个国家? 在完全重合放置的两张矩形纸片ABCD中,AB=4,BC=8,将上面的矩形纸片折叠,使点C与点A重合,折痕为,点D的对应点为G,连接DG,则三角形GED的面积为 狼与哪个国家的起源有关?急········ 某种液体每升含有10的12次方个细菌,有一种杀菌剂1滴可以杀死10的9次方个此种有害细菌,现准备将3L该种液体中的有害细菌杀死,要用这种杀菌剂多少滴?若每滴这种杀菌剂为10的-4次方L,则要多 ①甲以每小时6km的速度步行前往某地,过了2.5h后,乙以每小时18km的速度骑自行车追甲,当乙追上甲时,甲已经走了________km?②一列火车匀速前进,从开始进入300m长的隧道到完全驶出隧道共用了20s, 其他国家心目中的狼(故事) My mum likes the dresses_____(design)by Mrs.Brown very much. Mrs Green likes new clothes very much.改为一般疑问句 I'm everything without you正解:没有你我一无所有之前看到很多笨蛋翻译为:1、没有你,我一切都好~2、你不在的日子,我一切都好.3、“没有你,我什麽都好”完全误解歌词本意!详见《最后的晚餐 Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him句子成分 Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him,句子成分 英语翻译It means discretionary behavior that is not part of a employee's formal job requirements but that nevertheless pormotes the effective functioning of the organization.不要在线直译那种. 英语翻译1 因为我们在分装过程中有些瓶盖会被拧碎,所以咨询瓶盖是否可以单独购买.2 请告知下面这两种瓶子所配瓶盖的货号及包装规格是什么?有无最小起订量?单价是否一样都是0.44/个? utility function and investors'dealing behavior是什么意思 It means normal and polite social behavior是什么意思 有一个自然数,它的最小的两个因数之和是3,最大的两个因数之和是102,这个自然数是( ) 一筐梨,按每份二个分多出一个,按每份三个分多出二个,按每份五个分多出四个,筐里至少有梨多少个? 一道数学题求简便解决方法65.一项工程,甲一人做完需30天,甲、乙合作完成需18天,乙、丙合作完成需15天,甲、乙、丙三人共同完成该工程需:  A.10天 B.12天 C.8天 D.9天求简单理解运算方法,通 This solution could not be downloaded ------------------------------------------打开电脑出现这个This solution could not be downloaded--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most likely causes:Your compu M. I was on the call-in show last Saturday.W: What was that?M: People meet on the air and chat, and the host plays match-maker.什么意思 he boughrt a new pen to school_______.选项是A.torrmorow B. next day C.the next day D.the day选出选项并注明,并注明原因!本人急用,麻烦各位了!谢谢!题打错了,把bought中的r去掉! 求一篇挑战自我共创美好未来作文800字+ he writes( )a nine pen sometimes I see a film with my mum sometimes划线提问 写出四句话,其中三句用动词play,一句用名词play (1/4)翻译 during a recent interview with Mary Eisenhower,the granddaughter 将这3个句子改为被动语句1.we have not solved the problem yet2.the company has given its computers away to alocal school3.the scientists have developed a kind of intelligent robot