
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 00:20:17
今年的6级考试 我已经对出来答案了,请大家帮忙看一下能不能过听力 选项对15个,填词对2个,句子对2个快速阅读 对8个 深度阅读一共3篇 第一篇对3个,第二篇对2个,第三片对1个完形填空对11个翻 哪里有今年的六级答案?A卷的,准确点. 谁能给今年英语六级A卷答案?q528300956 谁有今年英语六级答案 英语语法难理解 水泥排水管道的坡度千分之五是多少厘米? 2014年12月哪里可以买到六级的答案? 求北师大版 三角形ABC的三条角平分线AD,BE,CF交于点o,试判断角AOE和角fcb之间的关系,并写出推理过程. 三角形ABC的三条角平分线AD,BE,CF交于点o,试判断角AOE和角1之间的关系,并写出推理过程. 1.The war broke out in___of_____century.A.the thirties...eighteenth B thirties...the eighteenthC.the thirties...the eighteenth D.thirties...eighteenth2.There was an interesting___in the newspaper todayA.context C.item D.message3.She's a bit an 英语高手教几道题目,悬赏30分1.Those exchange students are ___(most) from Canada.2.I don't ___(real) know what ___(do).3.Star Shopping Mall closes at 10p.m.(同义句) Star Shopping Mall ___ closes ___ 10p.m.4.Pollution is the biggest prob 1._________are you going to visit?I an going to visit the Palace Museum.A.where B.whatC.why D.when2.For quite a number of ouoils,their teacher's advice is more important than ________of their parents' B.whatC.which D.what3.I have two sisters,an 你最好用钢笔写这封信(英语翻译) 英语翻译翻译快 生长在沙漠中的仙人掌针尖状的叶子,有什么作用? 苏教版小学六年级上册习作2该怎么写就是向爸爸或妈妈说“我爱你”,然后写下来.但我想用其它的题材,臂如“把好吃的让给妈妈(我爸爸出差不在家)”“帮她洗衣服”等.大家出几个点子. 改同义句.1.Most of these questions had nothing to do with the boy's lessons.Most of these questions were ______ ______ the boy's lessons.2.My mother often tells me to get everything ready before I go to school.I am often told to get everything re 1.A s_____ is a funny show.The people in it do or say things that make TV w_____ laugh.2.Do you have any _____(要求). 1.The man named Joe is an honest man.(同义句转化)The man_____ _____ _____is an houest man.2.The weather is fine.(改为感叹句)_____ _____weather_____ _____!不好意思!第一个问题是四个空!1.The man named Joe is an hounest man.( 这是两道英译汉的题看一看我这种译法对不对?1.工作需要你的耐心,做饭也同样Cooking as work as need your patience2.你不应该吃不熟的水果You ought not to eat green fruit 3.xiao Wang _________to be stranger than before.da .appearsb.looksc.seemsd.proves为啥不选Ayou look pretty in white,so I think whites __________you.bA .fitsB.suitsc.go withd satisfiesA和B有啥区别 出差回来报销差旅费11元,余额交回现金 八上科学题,在线等,谢谢~ 八上科学题某校科学兴趣小组利用,沙砾,黏砾和粉砾等土壤矿物质颗粒.他们把纱布包在漏斗的底端,再用橡皮带扎紧.在三歌漏斗中分别放入沙砾,黏砾和粉砾,在每个漏斗的上部留有相同的空间 真核生物线粒体的基因结构 第五题怎么画? 用描述法表示集合{1,-3,5,-7,...,-39,41} 现有铁矿石73吨,计划用载重量分别为7吨和5吨的两种卡车一次运走,已知载重量7吨的卡车每台车的运费为65元,载重量5吨的卡车每台车运费为50元,则最省的运费是多少元? 1:4的图怎么画出1:5的图或用比例尺画 4和5的图分别怎么画? 沙漠中的仙人掌针状的叶子有什么作用?