
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 05:06:49
二次三项式:X平方-3X+2,的最小值为?3Q 用符号表示下列化学反应①实验室用高锰酸钾制氧气 ②铁在氧气中燃烧③氢气还原氧化铜 ④给水通直流电⑤氢氧化钠与硫酸铜反应 ⑥加热氢氧化铜⑦碳酸钙和盐酸反应 ⑧氢气在空气中点燃 在文献检索中,主题词标识,那些关系可以形成等级关系? 被减数减数差和为200差与减数比为1:4求3个数 被减数,被减数与差的和为200,差语减数的比为1:4,被减数,减数与差分别是多少? 我要信息检索的详细过程 在没有学泰勒公式之前如何证明arcsinx~x He likes his new room.否定句和一般疑问句 只列方程组 求初2数学列方程组解古算题,“5头牛、2只羊共价值10两“金”.2头牛、5只羊共价值8两“金”.每头牛、每只羊各价值多少“金”? 4500/25/2简便运算除号我打不来 初三化学溶液简单计算一定质量的20%的硝酸银溶液和一定质量的稀盐酸恰好完全反应,生成白色沉淀14.35克,过滤后得溶液107.15克,计算稀盐酸溶质的质量分数 H2 和D2是同素异形体吗 请问,H2和D2是同素异形体吗?为什么? 为什么H2和D2不是同素异形体?请老师, Please put the desk b_____ the sofa and dresser. There are two small bookcase ,a desk ,a chair and a bed.这个句子成不成立There are two small bookcases,a desk ,a chair and a bed in my bedroom.只要回答成不成立就行 chair desk bookcase computer哪一个不是同类 How do you like our school?I think it' gettingA.more and more nicerB.more nice and more niceC.nicer and nicerD.the nicer,the nicer 是I don't think he looks like还是I don't think he look like?.是I don't think he looks like还是I don't think he look like?是He don't think I looks like还是He doesn't think I look like?请同时将有关于don't think的语法点说一下, Look,do you think that man look like someone in our school?No ,he looks like ____,it could be ____else.A someone;nobodyB no one;anybodyC everyone;somebodyD anyone;somebody How do you like our English?Do you think it's helpful to you?why or why not?一两分钟的口试 I like my room改一般疑问句 K和CL变成离子K+CL-的时候,他们的电子数,质子数,中子数,质量数哪个一样 y=2-(根号下-x²+6x) x∈[0,4],求这个函数的值域,急RT,能用换元法吗,我令根号下-x²+6x=t,则-x²+6x=t²y=-t²+2,做到这里对吗?,接下去怎么求值域,他告诉我x∈[0,4]但我求的是y与t的关系式, His friends like piaying basketball.(一般疑问句,肯定和否定回答) 关于感恩的征文怎么写以感恩为话题的征文,文体不限,字数约1500, 怎样写感恩社会征文 918/918又919分之918怎样简便计算,快快要简算的,过程写上哦 we have a soccer game in our school(改为一般疑问句()()do you have in your school) we have a school dy at our school(变一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 918/18用简便计算怎么做