
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:14:04
二十八宿星是什么是什么#109 "下来吧,孩子,"他带着安慰的口气说,"晚饭做好了." 标点对不对啊 二十八宿:张是什么意思? "叫我怎么说呢?"他为难地叹了口气,"是讲真话呢?还是讲善意的谎言呢?"的标点是对的吗? The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to s 世界之窗用英语怎么说 深圳欢乐谷,世界之窗用英语怎么说? 参观世界之窗用英语怎么说 初二英语八年级上册阅读理解 英语作文:我最喜欢的天气要简单一点随便什么天气,50-60个单词 求help sb.with sth好的例句! bother sb.about sth.和bother sb with sth的使用有什么不同?请各举2句例句, 求助:广东省深圳市宝安区龙华镇龙胜新村C区201栋302室 翻译英语 (深圳市宝安区沙井华美包装材料部)英语要怎么翻译! 13题13题 第13题 优雅的清洁工阅读题在老家县城,有一位年轻英俊的清洁工,每天早晨拉着垃圾车经过我家楼下时,都会摇动他手上的摇铃.当我提着垃圾袋走向他时,他总是微笑着,在垃圾车旁,优雅地做个“请” 求 下面这一段话加标点符号朋友们 要珍惜现在拥有一切 原来亲情友情 在金钱面前是这么脆弱 仿佛看透所有一切 心悴了,真累了,生活好无奈让人好困惑 电脑标点符号在哪里下载 请问SB有什么特殊意思? 别人老是说我SB, SB什么意思-_-|| sb什么意思啊 keep my head held high这个表达法对吗 start,live,plan,stop,reply,love,study的过去式 when i look the sky keep my head up 英语翻译Ask your user basel Set up ads early,they are hard to ste up later.Several of the options below are easy to install and offer you interesting analytice that you can use to refine your offering. 有没有人能帮我翻译下这一段话啊?!主要是第一句.急!today the business of the world is business. When President Calvin Coolidge famously said that “the business of America is business” he didn’t anticipate the coming stock mar 外贸函电的问题外贸函电里,当卖方没好好履行订单,交货时发现货物有问题时,买方要做些什么?还有些翻译:in our favour cotton prints 外贸函电考题I.Translate the following from English into Chinese(每题4分)1.Your company has been introduced to us by the Bank of China as prospective buyers of electronic products.As we deal in the items,we shall be pleased to establish direc 外贸函电的几道题 题号:11 I sent out the samples ________.选项:a、four daysb、four days beforec、four days agod、for four days题号:12 题型:单选题His design is not acceptable ________ the buyer.选项:a、forb、toc、ond、in题 外贸函电的几道题 在线等 急!题号:1 题型:单选题How long is the period ________ the commencement to termination of insurance?选项: a、as b、from c、with d、for 题号:2 题型:单选题The second point concerns the currency t and I wall learn to give up because.