
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 03:10:40
我懂得了什么作文要带有小标题 是What should i buy 还是What shall i buy?同上请阐述理由。顺便说说 should 和 shall的区别和用法 It is said that Columbus is the ________(discover) of America it is said that the olypmpic games to be held in londonit is said that the olypmpic games to be held in london will cover more events than their parents laps 为什么要用to be held 而不是would be held 为国家一级保护动物提几条合理的建议最好8条以上 呼吁保护动物文章“濒临灭绝的动物”一句令人揪心的话,又一次出现在了我们的眼前.金丝猴,海豹,金雕,蓝鲸......这些可爱的动物,在环境的影响以及人类的捕杀下,已所剩无几.鲸的 保护动物的行之有效的建议? 为什么外国人听不懂中国话? 到底是 Voluntary Work 还是volunteer work如果是volunteer work的话 为什么名词可以修饰名词 为什么必须把科技创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置? help me.如图,在RT三角形ABC中,角BAC=90°,AD垂直BC,BF交AD于点E,交AC于点F,且AE=AF.求证:BF平分角ABC. 为什么“要把创新放在国家发展全局的核心位置”?请就如何”推动我国产业向全球价值链高端跃升“向国家提几条建议? 有同学说,把科技创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置意味着我国的中心工作已从经济建设转移到科技创新.你同意这位同学的观点吗?为什么? 请问下国家最近大重点开发的地区是什么地方?什么样的城市正在大兴土木,搞城市建设和开发的?重庆?中西部?什么地方搞新开发区? 对不起 我仔细点重新写下吧,听力10个单选,4个单词,1.5句句子,快速阅读6个,仔细阅读4个,仔细篇章阅读对个7,完型填空对12个,翻译对3-4个吧!作文写的一般.请问能得几分会不会过呢?谢谢! 1、哪个词语含有错别字?A蜿蜒 B爆炸 C说谎 D一惯 2、填空 What shall we buy( )a birthday ( 又快又好的, 请高手帮我估分,听力15个,单词3个,快速阅读10,填句子1个,仔细阅读5个,完型9个,作文还行,挺句子和翻译都写了,暂且不算了 What shall we buy?Any ideas? 英语翻译Drama films are serious presentations,portraying realistic charaters,settings,life situations,and stories.A dramatic film shows us human beings at their best,their worst,and everything in-between.Each of the types of subject-matter themes 英语翻译-When I am delivered the hospital that quarter,-I thought that I will die,-had not thought that I did not have,-I have lived down,-but I have lost him,-he this time really has been angry,-I was really not injuries you intentionally the se 怎样教幼儿英语一个4岁的孩子,连字母都还写不完,该怎样激发他的兴趣教他口语啊~ What present do the Tom give me what do you want ()your birthday ,Annd?give me a bike()present.第一个空填for第二个填as说一说,for 和as的区别 这题肿膜捉?大神help me 大神Help me Help me! help me 英语翻译我已经知道是谁做的了.但是我不能告诉你因为这是我的誓言.如果你能猜的到我是谁.我有可能会告诉你.试试吧, she could not find him在美语中的连读在MP3里听到的find him,find后面d好象是发清辅音t,而him的h没有发音,也就是读成了fint im,请问是这样读吗,请帮忙回答,谢啦. Mrs Brown ccouldn't find her purse.She didn't remember _ .A.whose it was B.where it was C.what it was D.when it was You can't find Mrs.Wang.She_____to Los Angeles. Mrs armstrong alwags does ____her husband asks her to do.she has never refused him before.A,no matter how b,no matter what c,however d,whateverno matter what不是等于 whatever吗?那这个题选什么?