
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 06:07:58
将这三个短句改成一个长单句①乔布斯是美国苹果公司联合创办人、前行政总裁.②他先后领导和推出了麦金塔计算机、iMac、iPod、iPhone等风靡全球的电子产品,深刻地改变了现代通讯、娱乐乃 把下面这几个短句改写成一个长单句,可以改变语序,适当增删词语,但不得改变原意(5分) 《游春图》是我国现存最古老的一幅山水画.《游春图》的右上角是宋徽宗赵佶题写的“展子虔游春 短句合并成单句------(1)蚁族,并不是一种昆虫族群.(2)蚁族,是指大学毕业生低收入聚居群体.(3)之(3)之所以将该群体名之为蚁族,是因为这个群体和蚂蚁有许多相类似的特点:高智,弱 He must have stayed up late last night,didn't he 翻译句子, 英语改错题 He was late this morning. He must get up late. A.was B.late C.must get D. late. NO my home is not far from the school根据答句写问句 My home is far from the park 的问句是什么 No,the zoo is not far flom my home.的问句. 组词大什么小什么大(1)小(2)(1)(2)添(1)和(2)是反义词 用(小.乱.)组个词,什么都可以必须四个字,只要通顺好听就行 如,小心乱跳,小嘴乱亲,小鸡乱跑,等等都行 合并下列句子,根据需要省略关系代词1.I can't read the letter.Billy wrotr the letter last week.2.Can you lend me the CD?You bought the CD yesterday.3.The person knows you.I met the person in Paris.4.The knife is very sharp.My mother boug 合并句子,并根据需要省略关系代词 用适当的关系代词将下列句子合并为含有定语从句子的复合句1.i have to find some information about the scientist.i will use it for the report2.i know the girl.her bike is the same as yours.3.wang shouren was a thinker.he had man my father always works late.sometimes he works until m_____. My father kept work until late at night哪里错了 改错题 My father often goes to sleep late at night.改为同义句my father often ____ ____ ____at night. 一条线摆成各种图形.为什么圆形的面积最大? 图形题:一个三角形,宽15.,斜的一条线25,在里面有一个4分之1园,求4分之1圆的面积 初中英语值日报告求一份初一水平英语值日报告.千万不要太超纲了哈.内容要求健康积极,学期总考将要到临,最好是有关此话题的. 初中英语值日生报告 求七年级上册英语书人教版,Unit10单元的2b 人教版七年级上册英语课本第八单元二B的2b xiao 能组什么词发音位一声的,这个“肖”都能够组成什么词?几个字的都可以感觉美一点的。 what they talk about is what wo should learn,这个意思是不是他们谈到的就是我们需要学习的如不对, 英文 安慰的话怎么说?我的一个朋友的奶奶病了,没有几天了.我该说一些什么安慰话呢? 人教版初一上英语书41页2b,2c,42页3a的译文是什么?一篇库尔的服装店,一篇关于买东西的对话,一片销售广告,速度啊,亲们,我又加悬赏了,不能不给力啊!(只写翻译就行,不用打英文。。 pay a fair price pay a fair price for是什么意思 at a good price 还是 for a good price 该用 price for,还是 price of The follow is the price for Item A and Item B.The following are the prices for Item A and Itme B.The following is the price of Item A and Item B.The following are the prices of Item A and Itme B.这里的Price 该用 一篇初中英语值日报告经典的!写的好点的!有水平的! Millie said she_____my pet dog when I was away.A.had looked after B.would look after这两个选项我很纠结,好像都是对的,