
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 18:09:24
I have a pingpong ball 改一般疑问句()()()a pingpong ball? I‘m going to buy a big house next year 对 next year 提问 _____is the pen? It's green._____处应该填什么?填一个词~~~~~~~ suppoe that中的that可不可以省略 下面能不能省略that 在这个句子里that可不可以省略?有一条规则不是说,定语从句中先行词是不定代词或被不定代词修饰时只能用that且不可省 .那这个句子里的that可以省略吗?Anything(that) he said is not ture Is it your house?回答是 说明原因 I wrote a letter to the car dealer,__what had happened to my new car.A.explainingB.to explainC.explainsD.explained My pen is green.用green提问 求视频:His door is locked ,he____ be at home.A mustn't B needn't C shouldn't D ca 改错.1,arriving home ,the door was found locked .2,knowing not what to do ,i felt your ad...改错.1,arriving home ,the door was found locked .2,knowing not what to do ,i felt your advice is important to me .3,this is the park i visited is last wee 强调句中的that刻意省略吗?我在读书虫是遇到一句话 让我很困惑,这是Jane Eyre 中的一句,It isn't me you're refusing ,并且我在读其他的英文小说中也遇到过类似的 句子,这句明显是强调去,为什么that 强调句里的that能省略吗? 强调句中的that可以省略吗? 英语强调句的THAT 可以省略吗, 英语翻译就是I was lucky to miss., 中译英:英语在中国被当作第二语言(be used as) 中译英:他妈妈老把他当小孩,他也习惯了妈妈为他做决定.(be used to) The apples are very nice.Would you like a__ one? 在定语从句中,that什么时候做成分什么时候不做? ..be screwed by sb / be set up by sb / be framed by sb 这三个区别在哪里 We went for a swim at the pool last Friday afternoon 的同义句是什么 My brother wants to be a policeman.(对划线部分提问) 划线部分是a policeman you are silly not------- your car.A.having locked B to have locked 选B 为什么用不定式啊 麻烦推荐本专四程度的语法练习题,就都是选择题的那种,本人语法奇差,最好答案是有讲解的, got to the station only telling the train had gone.为什么用telling不能用to tellonly to do sth可表示意外结果,Jack got to the station only to find the train had gone.或Jack got to the station only to be told the train had gone.这两个 he got to the station shortly____the train had goneAbefore Bafter Cbecause Das People believe that he is ill变被动语态变为被动语态It is believed that he is ill.(或:He is believed to be ill.) 可不可以也说He is believed that he is ill. whatsapp里的last seen today at. 改句子:A ship was seen at last.A ship was_____ _____at last.A ship came_____ _____at last. 英语选择Guess who I ___ at the party last night.A.has seen B.saw C.seen D.have seen I cleaned my classroom _____________.A now B today C last D at the moment