
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 12:57:32
He is so clever a boy.同义句 He is( )( )(He is so clever a boy.同义句He is( )( )( )boy. 请问是He is so clever a boy还是He is such a clever boy那啥,还有一个问题就不占度娘地方一起问了吧⊙﹏⊙请问Mary's married a doctor 这句话是对的吗? A:I think he is a good boy.B:So ( ) I. 一个铁块挂在甲弹簧秤上使甲弹簧秤伸长5CM,挂在乙弹簧秤上使乙伸长7CM,若将甲.乙两弹簧顺次串联后,再挂若将甲.乙两弹簧顺次串联后,再挂上次铁块,那么甲乙两弹簧总共伸长__CM_ There aren't any books in my bag,___? ( ) any books in the bag.A.there aren't B.is there C.there are质疑不是疑问句!急.急.急. very作为形容词时他的位置是怎么放的?例如,是He is a very boy.还是He is very a boy. There are three books in the bag.=(变There be否定句)There aren't any books in the bag.为什么? There aren’t ________ books in my bag.A.no B.some C.any "There isn't any books in the bag."?There isn't any books in the bag.这句话正确吗?还是There aren't any books in the bag. 袋子用什么材料做的 whatever,you are mine.翻译成中文是什么啊? Cuz baby you are mine mine怎么念 不是翻译 用中文怎么念 白色的服装包装袋用的是什么原料 Are you still mine?Who can tell me? 有“月”的诗有哪些啊? I will write that down.是什么意思 一首英文歌有开头是i dont want be a girl一首有开头是i dont want be a girl副歌也有很多i dont want be a girl的英文歌节奏感很强 南极洲几乎全部在()圈以内,加上平均海拔高,因此气候特征主要表现为( ). 哪些产品需要用到防震包装材料 海拔最高的大陆是非洲还是南极洲 南极洲寒冷和海拔高度有没有关系 非洲的平均海拔高度居世界第几(出南极洲外)? 用一个成语概括这个故事宋之丁氏,家无井而溉汲,常一人居外.及其家穿井,告人曰:“吾穿井得一人.”有闻而传之者,曰:“丁氏穿井得一人.”国人道之,闻之于宋君.宋君令人问于丁氏.丁氏对 帮我用一个成语概括这个故事有一个人,很会射箭.他连射几箭,全中.人们拍手叫好.有个老人说:“这有什么,要是多练,谁都学的好.”那人说:“胡说,你射箭比我高明?”老人笑了:“我卖油, 英语翻译Mrs.white had a son,his name was Sam White.The young man began to work in a CITI Bank in a city last winter ,He asked his mother to visit the city.The old women was happy and caught a train.she soon arrived in the city,but she didn't know Are you still looking for the translation for your articlehow are you How was your school trip?的回答语 how was your school trip 〉 How was your school trip?改为同义句( )( )your school trip( 可以的话说一下运用了什么语法或者格式, 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还.此句中的"绿"字王安石是从哪句诗中受到启发,才决定应用"绿"字的? 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还.是哪首诗的句子