
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:58:28
They speak English.(改成否定句) The smiths moved to china ten years ago and -----there since thenA.has lived B.was living C.live D.have lived麻烦分析分析 He told me that he had lived in America for ten years before he came to China.求翻译 I was told that there were about 50 foreign students()Chinese in the school,most()were from Germany定语从句 主题一 我最喜爱的经典杂志 (结合自己的经历谈杂志给学习,生活带来的影响.讲述你和杂志的故事主题二 我看电子阅览室(对电子阅览室进行评论或提出意见,也可以献计献策)这些都是主 要作文好的人~最好是原创的,非常非常感谢,肖像,语言,心理,细节描写片段,150字左右.相关要求见详细描述]1.肖像描写:一个孩子对妈妈撒娇2.动作描写:人们挤公交过程中的动作3.语言描写: 一个美丽的约定 作文800字速度 The old man is in the_____roomHe stayed at home the_____afternoon两个横线中改填read 还是whole用适当 甲乙两栋楼房已知两楼之间的距离是24cm.有一身高1.80m的人站在甲楼楼顶距楼边1.8m处向下观察.正好看到乙楼楼底.求甲楼高度 Is there real love in the love in the world Maybe there is ,but i haven't met yet.So long as I don't meet real love ,I will say there is no true love in the world.Is there real love in the world 求三篇300—400的春节作文 谁能帮我翻译并解答一下这个问题suppose you are involved in selecting accounting principles for the purposes of preparing annual financial statements. If acceptable accounting principles provide for a choice among alternatives for accoun 英语翻译DO'T LET ME TELL YOU AGAIN again 【不要在让我说一次在一次】能不能 DO'T LET ME TELL YOU AGAIN AND again那个对啊 英语翻译 英语翻译1.What is your favorite game to play in your spare time?What activities do you engage in most frequently in the game?2.How would you manage a situation where a coworker was acting in an unprofessional manner? 改错:our teacher would like me……our teacher would like me clean the blackboard after class 改错 i_______in this school since i moved here 1.came to 2.have been working 3.have been worked 4.go to 重新排列字母,组成新单词use,mum son,sea she,in ten,of an,me a,test a,her 她自告奋勇开车送那位老人回家.She ()() drive the old man home. Linda's mum is not at home now.She _____ (do)shopping. 根据国家规定,各地楼与楼之间有一定的距离,你能说说这是为什么吗? 求uncle tom's cabin的英文好句 国家造房标准-房子前后的距离 Our English teacher is _____(help)to us Our English teacher is quite ___(help) to us. He can make himself (understand) when he travels all over the worldJane's father speak English well .He can make himself (understand) when he travels all over the world 为什么要填understood All over the world men are searching in new techniques to provide mass housing,inexpensively and quickly,for millions of low and middle income families,and (41) the urgent housing requirements brought on by such natural disasters (42) floods and eart He traveled all over the world ( ) he had a man-made leg.A.if B.as C.because D.though... 英语翻译I woke up on this sideI thought it was a dreamAt first we learned to walkThen learned to screamYou can’t understandWhen you’re Fed from a TV screenYou can’t see the things that I can seeBut I forget that you thank god and praySome t The Real World 歌词 In The Real World 歌词 The online world is increasingly ( ) the “real” world.A、 emerging with B、 emerging to C、 merging with D、 merging to