
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 22:09:03
1. Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote many books about her life in the wilderness. Unit 1 is a true story from one of her books. On the edge of the Big Woods of Wisconsin in 1872, she lived with her family in a little log house. It is miles from any neighbor 英语语法题 About 40percent of the population of the country __________on farms.A.live b .stays cAbout 40percent of the population of the country __________on farms.A.live b .stays c.lives d.is理由 despite much research,there _____still certain elements in the life cycle of the insectthat ____not fully understood. A is,is B is,are C,are,is Dare,are Please give she a pencil-case修改病句 二次积分和三次积分的几何意义一样吗?几何意义各是什么? But forms of address reveal many assumptions we make about members of our speech community We must address the root cause behind much of the instability in our markets这句话 关键是当中 怎么翻 root cause 英语翻译Our company forms part of a consortium of local businesses working for environmental change. 化二重积分f(x,y)为二次积分D是由y轴,y=1及y=x围成的区域.f(x,y)dxdy=dx从o到1的积分乘以f(x,y)dy0到lnx的积分(双重积分和积分符号打不出来,请见谅)其中乘号后面一个积分的范围为什么是0到lnx阿? 求二次积分 ∫∫(x^2+y^2)dσ的二次积分为 m是什么实数时,关于x的一元二次方程mx^2-(1-m)x+m=0没有实数根.已知函数f(x)=1/2x^2-3x-3/4,求使函数值大于0的取值范围 lives/the/forest/in/at 连词成句 若a小于0,则关于x的不等式组3x大于a 4x大于a的解集是? 问一道二次积分题 是二重积分 (1)若x,y>0,且1/x+9/y=1,求x+y的最小值(2)若x,y>0,且x+y=1,求4/x+1/y的最小值(3)求(x^2+13)/√(x^2+4)的最小值 求二次积分, 求二次积分的区域如图:怎样求二次积分区域, 1、已知:x^2+y^2=a,m^2+n^2=b(a,b>0),求mx+ny最大值.2、设a,b属于R+,求证:a/√b + b/√a ≥√a + √b. 《我爱我班》作文怎么写? 作文:对手.只有告诉我可以写什么就行了, 连词成句: cinema,It,the,0f,is,east,the of cinema it s east the (.)连词成句 east of it's cinema the(连词成句) 请帮我连词成句 east,cinema,the,of,it,is,.write,Amy,I,week,an,every,email,to,.请帮个忙 4x(2.5+x)=24 x=?4后面的是未知数x,不是乘以 (x+4)^2-(x+5)^2+(x-3)^2=24+4x写出具体过程 f(x)=6sin(4x+ π/3) 在[0,5π/24]上的值域 4弧度的圆心角的弦为4 求圆心角所对的弧长 在不知道圆心角的情况下怎样计算弧长 一段圆弧所在圆的半径是60厘米,这条弧所对的圆心角是120°,求该圆弧的弧长(利用公式l=n/180πr计算) rowspan="6"什么意思