
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 00:59:20
Don't put me on the spot like this. 宾语从句中which的先行词只能是物么 鄙视近义词 如何形容冬日的云! 要怎样形容这样一个冬天. 不差分毫的差读chā还是chà X(读chā)是谁? 宾语从句的关联词that我不省略没问题吧?课文讲可以省略介词以及关联词that,但是我不去省略免得去记那8种宾语从句不省略that这样可以吗? lender-savers的中文意思是什么? fruity saver 中文意思 ex-lender什么意思? "称心"的“称” 怎么读?读“chèn”对不对?"称心"的“称” 怎么读?读“chèn”对不对? ( )(fly) means a journey through the air or space. A rock flew through the air fly through the air fall through the air Why do you wear uniform in school? national treasure 的发音 上面一个“不”,下面一个“要”是个什么字?需要带拼音还有就是上面一个功下面一个夫是什么字 请问各位大虾下面的字怎么读,带上拼音 询问信息,请求是非常普遍并且必要的活动.—— —— —— —— —— is a very common and necessary activity. =CH- 怎么读呢 为什么这单词发音不一样呢wednesday day 发dei 音thrusday day 发di的音呢,为什么呢 请看看下面的拼音怎么写?shen chen xiong hun 调的拼音怎么写告诉一下 “莾”这个字怎么读啊 用拼音写一下 这句话里的mean to sb是啥意思Her husband was very mean to her.mean to sb? mean to sb 有几个意思 骆驼队来的时候正好是冬天,空气是干冷的,我们可以用成语( )、( )来形容当时的天气状况.(至少5个) 形容什么的冬天 David and his wife Betty had a small bar near a station.The bar often kept open till after midnight ,because people came to drink there while they were waiting for trains.At three o’clock one morning,one old man was still sitting at a table in the 乔治什么时候到的咖啡馆?When does George( )at the cofee bar?你每天什么时候散步?---When do you ( ) every day?