
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:09:45
The food in the restaurant is very nice and the( )is aiso good要填的单词首字母是S the food in the restaurant is very nice and the _____is also good 《我没有很想你》可以做Qzone音乐的链接 病毒是由蛋白质和核酸组成,病毒又是非细胞生物,则体内没有核糖体,那么它的蛋白质是哪里来的? 初二同义句转换1.How many people are there in Zhejiang?_______ _______ ________ ________ Zhejiang?2.China has the most people are there in the world.China has the _______ _______ in the world.The _______ of China is ________ than ________ _____ 同义句转换(初二)1.Luckily,no one died in the traffic accident.--Luckily,no one ____ ____ _____ in the traffic accident.2.Let's do a bird count every year.--Let's ___ ____ ___ every year. 初二的同义句转换1.Jack will leave for Paris next month.Jack _____ _____ for Paris next month.12.Predicting the future can be difficult._____ _____ _____ difficult_____ _____ the future.13.I want to look after myself when I'm older.I want to _ 几个初二同义句转换1.Children are dependent on their parents for food and clothes.2.We can understand these new words better in this way.3.It is difficult to make robots cry or laugh.没了.就这几个..-` 同义句转换啊,谁来帮我(初二上)1.TOM isn't old enough to dress himself=2.The teacher asked me to clean the classroom.=I ______ ______ ______ _______ the classroom by the teacher.3.TOM is old enough ___ ___ ___ ___ himself.=Tom is old 常听说知性男人,知性女人,知性到底具体表示什么意思?. i hope to go to beijing_______ one day 还是 some day 核糖体上蛋白质合成的方向是?由mRNA的5'到3'还是3'到5'?由肽链的N到C还是C到N?这个N端,分别带有什么东西? 噬菌体能利用细菌的核糖体和内质网,合成自身蛋白质吗? 核糖体是唯一合成蛋白质的场所吗?那内质网呢 噬菌体利用细菌的核糖体合成蛋白质,此时细菌自身还能正常的合成蛋白质吗 there __ a footbal mathc in our school the day after tomorrow .A:is goin to be B:is going to have两个答案有什么区别? there is going to (be) a meeting in our school hall tomorrow evening请说原因 根据答句写出问句 1.There is going to be a pary in our school tomorrow.2.The film is going to begin at seven o'clock. 连词成句 teachers,Chinese,can,these,speak,American(.) There ________ a parents' meeting after the midterm exams.A.is going to have B.is going to be个人认为A靠谱. 【为你打开一扇门】这篇课文的课题特别吸引人,你觉得原因是什么? 英语:I hope ( )franse some day.(a).going to (b).to go to (c).that to go to 动物的国家(来自)以及国家的英语有以下动物1老虎2大象3考拉4企鹅5熊猫6狮子7海豚8长颈鹿!别忘了国家的英语……来自于什么什么 几个国家的代表性建筑、动物,请用英文回答拜托了各位 America France Australia UK Germany 核糖体是起源于病毒吗线粒体起源于细菌,叶绿体起源于蓝藻,核糖体也和病毒一样是由蛋白质(大小亚基)包裹着RNA组成的,那么核糖体是起源于某种病毒吗 所有生物包括病毒都有核糖体吗? 病毒有核糖体吗 病毒中有核糖体吗,什么作用啊,急 THERE'S GOING TO ()A REPORT()CHINESE HISTORY IN OUR SCHOOLA.HAVE ON B.BE.ON D.HAVE.FOR D.BE.OF选哪个为什么 American-Chinese和Chinese American一样?为什么前者是美籍华裔?和后者一样吗? American Chinese restaurant是啥意思? american both chinese什么意思