
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 18:27:13
I have seen this film.与I had seen this film.区别?这两个句子分别怎样翻译?还有The desk is broken(当break的过去分词)The desk was broken(同上)怎样区分?怎样翻译?(is am are)+过去分词与(was were)+过去 This is ____________film I have ever seen.A.a wonderful B.the most wonderful C.wonderful D.most wonderful Have you seen him today? Yes, I saw him this morning.翻译一下,谢谢 有没有人可以帮我翻译英语啊 英语翻译“拳击,是一项在一个正方形的绳围的比赛场中,佩戴特制的柔软手套,在一定规则和条件限制下进行的对抗竞技性运动项目” 英语翻译“比赛中除了咬、踢和抓握外,可使用包括扭摔在内的任何攻击动作” 去看电影是go to the movie ,go to the cinema 和 go to the film吗 I have seen the film 与 I saw the film last week的区别前面的是现在完成时对现在有什么影响 后面的过去时和前面的意思都是看过这部电影 Have you seen the latest movie?--YesHave you seen the latest movie?--Yes,I have.I ____it last night.A.seen.B.will seeC.have seen.D.saw 上次他参加了四百米接力赛用英语怎么说 填空:不要看电视 —— ——watch TV I want to see movies.My brother wants to watch TV.这里的watch为什么没加es?一个句子,主语是第三人称单数,后面又有两个动词后一个动词用不用变三单? Have you seen the film Return of the King --------I‘m going to see it tonight A.no Ididn't B.yes I do C.yes I have D.not yet 为什么 用英文说我喜欢玩电脑游戏和看电视用不用加to?I like to play computer games and watch TV中间的那个to什么原因,麻烦说明白点. -Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angeles 2011?-Yes,but I think it is______.I fell asleep when I saw it.A:exciting B:boring C.bored D.read ‘我宁可出去散步也不愿在家看电视’用英语翻译求大神帮助 乡村和城市所呈现的景观有较大的差异,是由于 的差异造成的 乡村和城市所呈现的景观有较大的差异是由于()的差异造成的. 填写下面的乡村与城市的景观差异表 男子100米接力赛,用英语怎么说? 造成乡村聚落和城市聚落景观差异的主要原因是( )A.居民人口的多少 B.占地面积的大小 C.劳动生产方式的差异 D.地形的气候的差异 男子4×100米接力赛牙买加在北京奥运会上创造了新的世界纪录,时间是37.1秒那么平均下来每人每一百米只用了9.275秒,是不是说他们每个人的百米成绩都超过了9.69秒的世界纪录啊?非常迷糊... June really likes action monies,and she often goes to see chinese actionshi shen me yi si June really likes action movies,and she sften goes to see Chinese action movies .she thinks they are very exciting she thinks documentaries are boring ,and she doesn't like thrillers she thinks they sre scary .she also likes Beijingopera .some people 用英文翻译句子:He likes reading books.So does she. 英文句子she really likes him里的like要加s么,这really影响时态么? 英语翻译如题 中国自然风光好的城市是?举五个. 4乘100米接力赛技巧!急明天就是比赛,我跑第一棒,但是和第二棒交接时老是握不好,很难接到.求交接的技巧和跑步冲刺的技巧.另外我一到比赛就有点紧张,赛道两边有很多人围着看,我一紧张就 短语stay awake造句尽量多的句子 用awake造句 用 这里留下了.也留下了.造句